It’s all about perspective. Change your view, change your life, change your vibe!
Our perspectives are the glasses we wear to look at people, things, life but also the world.
If we change the way we look at things, the things around us change.
➡️ Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural pathways throughout life and in response to experiences. Changing your perspective means you can slowly rewire your pathways!
➡️ Changing certain contexts, adopting new habits, acquiring new skills such as empathy helps to see things differently.
Shifting your perspective isn’t an easy process, but these tips can provide a helpful guide:
🐚Reframe your thoughts…
🐚Recite a positive inner monologue…
🐚Take care of your body…
What do you do concretely when you need to change your mindset?
Thanks for sharing, and never forget that changing perspective is an art.